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Five-Bullet Monday - July 19th


Here is your Five-Bullet Monday for this week

Two quotes I am pondering:

"But the law of magnetism really is true: who you are is who you attract." - John Maxwell

"It's fine to have social media that connects us with old friends, but we need tools that help us discover new people as well." - Ethan Zuckerman

I am working hard on building new friendships and relationships. I realize this is essential for the next stage of my journey. John Maxwell's quote strikes a chord because the more attractive we can make ourselves and the more enjoyable others find spending time with us, the easier it will be to form solid and rewarding relationships. Ethan Zuckerman's quote is also helpful, as it strikes the balance of sustaining existing friendships while challenging us to reach out and make new ones.

A question I am asking myself:

How do I build more healthy habits in my life?

Healthy daily habits are the root of successful and rewarding lives. I am not sure about you, but I don't have nearly enough. In his book "Atomic Habits, " James Clear said that we have to make good habits as easy as possible and bad habits as difficult as possible. I have been trying to figure out how to make stretching and yoga a daily habit without much success. An idea occurred to me this morning, how to do that, so watch this space!

A book I am reading:

Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear – Elizabeth Gilbert

Big Magic is a short and fascinating book by Elizabeth Gilbert, the author of Eat, Pray Love. It was one of the most interesting books I have read in that it opened up the world of creative thinking from the perspective of authors, artists and poets. She superbly illustrates how creativity comes and goes, how to capture it and how she and others, like Brené Brown, have learnt to draw it out in good times and bad. I am trying to become more creative, and this book certainly helps that process. It is well worth a read.

My favourite podcast this week:

School of Greatness - Episode 1,137: Become #1 in the world and build a champion's mindset with Novak Djokovic

Another School of Greatness one this week: for me, being a life-long Federer fan and not particularly liking Djokovic, I had to force myself to listen to this one, and I am glad that I did. He talks about growing up in war-torn Serbia and practising his tennis between the bombing, and you can see how he built his mental toughness through all of this. He also talks a lot about his support for children education and refugees in his home country, and it was good to see his passion and support for these causes. Through the one-hour podcast, you get some great glimpses of what it takes to become a world champion and to stay there.

My highlight from the prior week

Wrapping up "Making Money Work" with the University Students

This past Monday, I wrapped up my third edition of Making Money Work with a fun group of University Students, whose attendance throughout the seven weeks was excellent, in part due to some robust corralling by my son Ben. To impart some spend-discipline, credit wariness, and start-investing-now outlook, helps set them up for long-term success as their working years approach. The truth of these principles apply at all stages of adult life but carry their most power when started early. Making Money Work, Friends and Family Edition will be launching soon for Facebook connections worldwide who have expressed interest in the course.

My challenge to you for this week

Build new relationships

Going with the quotes this week, I want to challenge you to reach out and make new connections. There are plenty of fantastic strangers out there who are waiting to know you and could become friends, partners or colleagues. There are many different ways to connect, such as friends or friends, clubs, at work, online forums etc., so please give it a go and join me on the quest. Now that we are coming out of COVID-19, there is a considerable appetite to reconnect, and we should join the movement. We can swap some notes along the way 😊. It is guaranteed to expand our world in new and enriching ways.

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